Tuesday, July 14, 2009

[Book Review] All the Presidents Men by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward

Written By Sam Wilson

Written by celebrated pair Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward All the President’s Men details the pair’s investigative reporting the two undertook on behalf of the Washington Post into the Watergate affair. The book deals more with the investigation and reportage of the two journalists than the events of Watergate itself. In detailing meetings with notorious source ‘Deep Throat’ and the actions behind the major stories of the investigation, including previously unnamed sources, the two authors create a separate altogether engrossing story within the Watergate story. As an historical record of the dealings behind the famous reportage, All the President’s Men is an insightful addition to the reportage of the Watergate scandal and this time in American political history.

Find a copy from Brotherhood Books HERE

Keywords: All the Presidents Men Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward 9780704311404 second-hand used book books online bookstore Australia bookshop copy

1 comment:

  1. This is a great book, I read it many years ago & have gone on to read many of Bob Woodward's recent criticisms of the Bush administration. It's as exciting as it is informative and he has a very readable writing style which prevents a very detailed narrative becoming turgid & dense.
